
Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

2022 June 22 (Twitter Post)

Apply to Join Convergence's Leadership Council!

Purpose Statement

Convergence is the leading organization bridging divides to solve critical issues through collaborative problem-solving across ideological, political, and cultural divisions. Since 2009, Convergence has brought together leaders, doers, and experts to build trusting relationships, identify breakthrough solutions, and form unlikely alliances for constructive consensus-based change on seemingly intractable issues. Our process is improving the lives of Americans and strengthening democracy for a more resilient and collaborative future. 

The Leadership Council is an essential part of the Convergence community that contributes inspiration, input, investment, and ideas to support program impact, resource development, and enhanced visibility for Convergence’s work. This group of trusted advisors is deeply committed to Convergence’s mission and serves as champions of our work within their own networks and communities. 

Membership Engagement and Benefits

The Leadership Council provides a pathway for diverse individuals to engage meaningfully with Convergence and the Convergence community, and includes the following: 

Invitations to two+ Leadership Council Meetings per year, where members have an opportunity to be immersed in Convergence’s work, hear from inspirational speakers and project stakeholders about their experience, weigh in on how the issues of the day connect with Convergence’s mission, and participate in planning for the future. These meetings will be held in-person at least once a year, with virtual and hybrid opportunities to supplement the in-person time.

Listing on the Convergence website with your headshot and bio as an official Leadership Council Member.

Special invitations to participate in Convergence Insider Roundtables, Convergence events and briefings, and various receptions throughout the year. Some of these opportunities are offered exclusively to the Leadership Council.

Regular insider communications from Convergence, including previews of our publications before their public release and an invitation-only subscription to Convergence Connection: Updates from the CEO, which provides insights from the CEO into Convergence Collaboratives, programmatic priorities, and organizational strategy, as well as our take on the issues of the day.

Member Declaration and Release

I support Convergence’s mission of building trust and bridging divides to solve critical issues and strengthen our democracy and society. I am committed to doing my part to see the principles of bringing Americans together to solve pressing challenges expanded and normalized across American society. 

As an official Member of Convergence’s Leadership Council, I will find opportunities to give my time, talent, and treasure to help advance the Convergence mission. Specifically, I will: 

Join at least one Leadership Council Meeting or Convergence engagement per year, understanding that there is no requirement to travel for this and that there will be opportunities to participate virtually.

Make a meaningful donation to Convergence each year, understanding that there is no minimum gift amount, but that it’s crucial that 100% of Convergence’s leadership demonstrate their support with a gift.

Leverage my experience and skills to support Convergence in one or more of the following ways:

I will provide financial support to Convergence by:(Required)
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