
Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

Leadership Council

Roxi Hewertson headshot

Roxana Bahar Hewertson

Roxana Bahar Hewertson is the Founder and President of Highland Consulting Group, Inc. a leadership and organizational change consultant firm in upstate New York. Roxi has many decades of experience in both the profit and not for profit environments, including 27 years as a leader at Cornell University. She is an entrepreneur, teacher, coach, administrator, and private consultant with a passion for creating business and learning experiences that make a positive and lasting difference in people’s lives, in their business results, and in the quality of the workplace. How To Build A Space Station (Xlibris, 2002), her first published book, is a parable about the impact of workplace values on business results. Her on-line leadership learning community, AskRoxi.com, and on-line leadership course, “Leading with Impact: Your Ripple Effect” were launched in the summer of 2013.

Roxi received her graduate degree from Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations and served five years as adjunct faculty teaching Organizational Consulting – Process and Results.

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