Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

Leadership Council

Toni Clark headshot

Toni Clark

Toni is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the iBuildBridges Foundation, a non-profit organization that uses music and storytelling to inspire individuals to actively build relationships with people of different backgrounds. iBuildBridges supports a diverse group of young musical artists who are committed to bridging our racial, cultural and religious divides. She also serves as a Chairman of the Board of Interfaith America, Chicago, and is active in philanthropy with the College of Wooster (Ohio) and the Alexandria (VA) Seaport Foundation. 

She has a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Washington, an MA from Southern Illinois University and a BA from Seattle University. 

Toni was born in the Pacific Northwest, and lives with her husband, Richard J. Bell, in Alexandria, Virginia. They have four children and seven (amazing) grandchildren. She enjoys writing and her personal essays have been published in the Washington Post, online in the SNR Review, and in print in three anthologies. She has a passionate interest in the outdoors, particularly hiking, kayaking and snow skiing. 

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