Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

Citizen Solutions opens public feedback period for Tennesseans to weigh in on gun rights, safety issues

In a University of Tennesee student newspaper, The Daily Beacon, Shelby Wright wrote a piece on the first group we convened (the TN11) in partnership with Starts with Us, as part of Citizen Solutions, on gun rights and safety in Tennesee. She lauded the effort stating:

“Citizen Solutions not only managed to bridge the gap between political division on gun policy but also to bridge the gap between many different people from many different walks of life. This session also allowed for the representation of real people facing the real issues of gun violence…Those who participated in the original solutions session did not change their initial beliefs, but through this process, they came to realize that they were not as divided as they seemed and that there was a path to solution-making.”

Shelby Wright also called for fellow Tennesseans to weigh in on the solutions the TN11 came to a consensus on through the newly available digital tool.

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