
Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

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Next Avenue Op-Ed: The Caregiving System We Want Begins with Supporting Caregivers

Improving our nation’s system of care for older adults must begin by supporting the caregivers who make it all run, according to Toni Miles MD, Ph.D., and Robert Espinoza in a recent op-ed in Next Avenue. In their words, “Imagine if we began reimagining our caregiving system with one that’s community-integrated and person-centered. Imagine if family caregivers and direct care workers were adequately valued, compensated and recognized for their essential roles. Finally, imagine what we could do if we worked together and made this vision happen.” Miles and Espinoza were participants in the Convergence Dialogue on Reimagining Care for Older Adults, which produced a cross-partisan Consensus Blueprint outlining a path to a better system.

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