Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

My Take – Can Charities Lead On DEIA?

“There are organizations out there… I want to plug one called Convergence Policy that has ways of creating conversations among people. Bridging is very important. I believe that nonprofit organizations above all organizations have this potential to be bridgers…because at nonprofit organization we all come together because we believe a particular problem in society exists and that together we can maybe solve this problem. We can take a cause and move it forward so that our society is better than it was when we started on that particular problem. We can produce movement together in nonprofit organizations. We start out with people who fundamentally believe that a cause can be addressed and they are willing together.”

Hear from Convergence Board Member and President & CEO of BBB Wise Giving AllianceH. Art Taylor, on his insights into how nonprofits can lead the nation on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA).

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