
Convergence Center For Policy Resolution


person with gear, light bulb and dollar sign

The U.S. economy’s inability to support conditions in which Americans can thrive and achieve upward mobility threatens the foundations of our society. Building off past successes in this area, Convergence is committed to making a strong impact on this fundamental crisis and a whole host of related ones, including unemployment, housing, financial insecurity, racial disparities, and more.

Kentucky Childcare icon

Kentucky Collaborative on Child Care

Building consensus and a shared vision to increase access to high-quality child care in support of Kentucky’s children, families, and economy.


Coming together against a backdrop of historic polarization, this is the most ideologically diverse group convened to address family policy, focused on supporting the flourishing of low-to-moderate income families with young children.

parent with child in heart icon
gears with a hammer, dollar sign and graduation cap icon

Convergence Collaborative on Pathways to Better Jobs

The Convergence Collaborative on Pathways to Better Jobs seeks to address the needs of millions of job seekerslow- to moderate-income earners who are currently employed, under-employed, or long-term unemployed.

Convergence Project: Reentry Ready

Improving incarceration’s contribution to successful reentry.

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Convergence Short-Term Dialogue on Student Loan Moratorium

Seeking to understand and bring together unlikely alliances to discuss the nature of the student debt crisis and the best solutions. 

Working Up, A Convergence Dialogue on Action to Increase Economic Mobility

Work has been central to achieving the American Dream. Throughout our history, work that provides a decent standard of living has been a critical pathway to upward economic mobility.

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Percentage of Americans concerned about "political divisions within the country."


Percentage of Americans that believe it is possible for people to disagree in a healthy way.
(Weber Shandwick)

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