Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

Leadership and Culture Change

R&D and Innovation

In order to expand our reach, increase the impact of our process and methodology, and grow the bridgebuilding movement in America, Convergence is engaging in targeted research & development and innovations beyond our renowned collaborative Dialogues. This includes innovations within our flagship Convergence Collaboratives, grassroots and local expansion, and new program prototype models.

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Examples: Civil Service Roundtable, State and Local Guns Roundtable, Leadership Development

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Strengthening the Bridgebuilding Field

As a mature leader with a well-honed methodology in this relatively young but growing field of bridgebuilders, Convergence has a unique opportunity to increase the relevance, recognition, and impact of our collective work. 

Work with Policymakers

Convergence is working increasingly closely with members of Congress and their staff to help combat polarization amongst our elected officials and foster a culture of greater collaboration in Washington to ultimately produce policy recommendations that are actionable and have an impact on constituents.

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In coordination with Members, we customize the Dialogue process and methodologies to facilitate bipartisan cooperation and conflict management, and to lower partisan hostility at the working group and Committee levels. With the 2022 release of Convergence’s 5-Year Strategy, we are committed to:

  • Deepening strategic engagement and relationship-building in Congress, deepening bipartisan collaboration.
  • Pursuing adoptions of Dialogue policy recommendations.
  • Engaging leaders in the Administration.
  • Building legislative and executive relationships at the state level.
  • Enlisting policy leaders in the work of bridge-building, and bipartisan collaboration.

71% of Americans believe there is more common ground among the American people than the news media and political leaders portray.
(Public Agenda)


Believe it is possible for people to disagree in a healthy way.
(Weber Shandwick)


Say political polarization is a threat to America.


93% of Americans say it is important to reduce divisiveness in the United States, including two-thirds who say it is very important to do so.
(Public Agenda)


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