Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

Learn to Overcome Division and Foster Collaboration

Convergence and NACo’s Learning Program for County Leaders

Learn to Overcome Division and Foster Collaboration

Convergence and NACo’s Learning Program for County Leaders

America is more polarized than ever before. Tensions exist in all sectors, and especially across government and between county governments and communities. Public meetings are sometimes veering out of control, highlighting the urgency for county leaders to develop strategies and skills to bridge divides and collaborate across differences. County leaders are uniquely trusted by the American people to solve local problems.

Convergence and NACo are offering county leaders a one-of-a-kind eLearning experience to build their capacities to address these tensions, to bridge divides, and to collaboratively solve problems in their community.

The Convergence eLearning Program is launching in May 2025.
Sign up today to reserve your spot!

What is the Convergence eLearning Program?

  • An eLearning course that improves leaders’ capacity to bridge divides, resolve conflict, convene and engage stakeholders, and collaboratively solve problems.

Why should I participate in the Convergence eLearning Program?

  • County leaders are uniquely positioned to solve complex and contentious problems in their communities. This course will improve your capacity to effectively communicate during conflict, to identify common interests and goals, and to use collaborative problem-solving skills and processes to address complex issues in your community.

What kind of commitment will the Convergence eLearning Program require?

  • The Convergence eLearning Program will include up to six hours of coursework to be completed on your own time and at your own pace. Convergence is also offering 2-3 optional virtual meetings for additional coaching and practice. 

  • As part of our pilot program, we will ask participants to complete a short, online evaluation about your experience to improve the program in the future.

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