In a March 16th column in The Dallas Morning News, Abby McCloskey, Convergence Collaborative on Supports for Working Families Director, outlined the consensus solutions in the Collaborative’s Blueprint for Action and the urgent need to improve family flourishing in America noting that,
“The effects of underinvestment tend to not show up until later, when it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. There’s a feeling that a lot of the problems are cultural and cannot be changed.
But we certainly can do better to increase the odds of progress. I recently had the privilege to lead a cross-partisan, cross-sector group, not unlike the one in 1991, to come together to support low-to-moderate income families in America with young children. The Convergence Collaborative on Supports for Working Families brought together family policy leaders from the left and the right and many in between. We met monthly for a year in a time of historic partisanship.
Our report, “In This Together,” has recommendations that can cross party divides for employers, philanthropy and policymakers. It also articulates ways to put the well-being of children at the front of the agenda…”