Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

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The New York Times: Child Care Is ‘Just a Huge Mess.’ Will Government Finally Fix It?

In this March 13, 2024, New York Times Op-Ed,  Jessica Grose, delves into the lives of American families with young children, the challenges they face from the pandemic, and ways forward to improve family flourishing.

Grose quotes our Convergence Collaborative on Supports for Working Families Director, Abby M. McCloskey, shedding light on the additional challenges parents face post-pandemic, stating,

“The emotional insecurity and trauma of the pandemic shutdowns will always be with us in some respect.”

Grose also highlights some promising developments, noting that,

“In February 2021, I wrote the headline ‘America’s Mothers Are in Crisis: Is anyone listening to them?’ I’m thrilled to say I can answer that question with a resounding yes. Both Republicans and Democrats are working on legislation meant to help parents with child care costs.”


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