Convergence Center For Policy Resolution

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Bridging Across Generations: National Week of Conversation Event

April 25, 2022 10:00 am
Public Event
Virtual Event(s)

“If you look at any massive social or political movement in U.S. history it has been because of transformations along generational lines.” – Layla Zaidane

During the fifth annual National Week of Conversation, Convergence co-hosted an event on ‘Bridging Across Generations’ with Convergence CEO David Eisner; Layla Zaidane of Millennial Action Project (MAP); Manu Meel of BridgeUSA; and Marc Freedman of facilitating the discussion. The event drew a terrific turnout, and participants discussed the topic with wonderfully thought-provoking comments and questions throughout the conversation.

More notable quotes from the event:

David Eisner: “We distort the amount to which our views are opposed to those of other people.”

Marc Freedman: “Right now, we have a largely white older population and a much more diverse younger generation. If we can solve the generational divide, we have a better chance at success across the political divide..”

Manu Meel: “We want people who WANT to have discussions about generational divide to have louder voices..”

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